HARRISBURG, PA — On Tuesday morning, the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee voted to give two deadly pieces of pro-gun legislation a floor vote. H.B. 659 (Bernstine) and H.B. 979 (Dowling) were reported out of the Judiciary Committee…
gun violence
REPORT: PA Ranks in Top 10 States for Black Homicide Rate
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 18, 2021 For More Information Adam Garber, CeaseFire PA Executive Director, (267) 515-1220, adam.garber@ceasefirepa.org Frances Patano, CeaseFirePA Communications Manager, frances.patano@ceasefirepa.org MEDIA RELEASE REPORT: PA Ranks in Top...
NRA’s Bankruptcy Case Dismissal Applauded by Gun Safety Advocates in Pennsylvania
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 12, 2021 For More Information Adam Garber, CeaseFire PA Executive Director, (267) 515-1220, adam.garber@ceasefirepa.org Frances Patano, CeaseFirePA Communications Manager, frances.patano@ceasefirepa.org MEDIA RELEASE NRA’s Bankruptcy Case...
Hundreds Virtually Lobby for Common Agenda to End Gun Violence
For Immediate Release: March 23, 2021 For More Information: Adam Garber, CeaseFire PA Executive Director, (267) 515-1220, adam@ceasefirepa.org Frances Patano, CeaseFirePA Communications Manager, frances.patano@ceasefirepa.org Video recording available upon request....
First-ever Gun Show Bans Ghost Guns, Slowing Flow of Deadly Crime Guns
Attorney General Shapiro’s historic agreement with Eagle Arms Productions will slow the flow of these weapons into criminal enterprises and violent individuals’ hands. Other gun show promoters shouldn’t wait for a sting to stop the sale of ghost gun kits like the Polymer 80.
Shira Goodman talks Gun Violence in Pennsylvania March 1, 2017
Join CeasefirePA's Executive Director, Shira Goodman and special guest for a discussion regarding Gun Violence in Pennsylvania. March 1, 2017 @ Old York Road Temple - Beth Am Molish Sanctuary 971 Old York Road Abington PA
CHOP program’s goal: help kids traumatized by violence become healthy adults
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)’s Violence Intervention Program is a product of the aftermath of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting, along with discussions about how CHOP could respond to the growing frequency of kids becoming gunshot victims....
Gun violence not a mental health issue, health experts say
While it's important to keep firearms out of the hands of seriously mentally ill individuals, gun violence is not a mental health issue, health experts say. Contrary to the image reinforced by media reports of mass shootings,“various epidemiologic studies over the...