HARRISBURG, PA — On Tuesday morning, the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee voted to give two deadly pieces of pro-gun legislation a floor vote. H.B. 659 (Bernstine) and H.B. 979 (Dowling) were reported out of the Judiciary Committee…
press release
REPORT: PA Ranks in Top 10 States for Black Homicide Rate
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 18, 2021 For More Information Adam Garber, CeaseFire PA Executive Director, (267) 515-1220, adam.garber@ceasefirepa.org Frances Patano, CeaseFirePA Communications Manager, frances.patano@ceasefirepa.org MEDIA RELEASE REPORT: PA Ranks in Top...
NRA’s Bankruptcy Case Dismissal Applauded by Gun Safety Advocates in Pennsylvania
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 12, 2021 For More Information Adam Garber, CeaseFire PA Executive Director, (267) 515-1220, adam.garber@ceasefirepa.org Frances Patano, CeaseFirePA Communications Manager, frances.patano@ceasefirepa.org MEDIA RELEASE NRA’s Bankruptcy Case...
Legislation Puts Gun Economy Above Public Health
May 15, 2020 For Immediate Release: For More Information: Adam Garber, CeaseFirePA Executive Director, adam@ceasefirepa.org, (267) 515-1220 Rob Conroy, CeaseFirePA Director of Organizing, rob.conroy@ceasefirepa.org, (412) 965-0383 Harrisburg-- Pennsylvania state...